Is CBD legal in North Dakota?
The legal status of cannabidiol in the state of North Dakota depends on where it is sourced.
Therefor any one over the legal age of 18 is able to purchase CBD oil or any other CBD product as long as it is extracted from an industrial hemp source that abides by the federal regulations put forth in the 2018 Farm Bill which says that all products derived from hemp are legal to use, by and possess, as long as there aren’t any in-state laws that mention otherwise.
North Dakota CBD law
North Dakota was one of the first states to allow the cultivation of industrial hemp thanks to the passage of House Bill 1492 in 2005.
In 2016, North Dakota passed Senate Bill 2344 which allowed the implementation of a medical marijuana program.
Residents enrolled in the state’s medical marijuana program can purchase hemp and non-hemp derived CBD oils regardless of THC content.
How many amricans us CBD products?
According to a Gallup Poll 14% of Americans say they use CBD products. 40% of the users use CBD products for pain, 20% for anxiety and 11% for sleeping problems and 8% for arthritis.
Sales of CBD in the U.S. could reach $23.7 billion by 2023.
Where to buy CBD oil in North Dakota?
We do not recommend to buy CBD oil from North Dakota or any other state in the US because of the unclear regulations in the United States
It is recommended to buy products imported from Europe because Europe has more stringent quality standarts.
Europe has also requirements for low THC levels at less than 0.2% dry weight compared with the US requirement of less than 0.3% dry weight.
When you buy CBD products it advised to pay attention to the following questions and guidlines:
Check if the products meet the following quality standards?
Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP) certification from the US Food and Drug Administration
European Union (EU), Australian (AUS), or Canadian (CFIA) organic certification
National Science Foundation (NSF) International certification
Check if the product certified organic or ecofarmed?
Check if the CBD products been laboratory tested by batch to confirm tetrahydrocannabinol levels <0.3% and no heavy metals or pesticides?
Check if the company have an independent adverse event reporting program?
Reccomended CBD shop
Canabd.com is a reliable UK shop for CBD products.